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Inventory maintenance policies

Your genebank can create inventory maintenance policies in GGCE as needed. They are typically managed by the GGCE administrator in coordination with the curator of accessions.

A policy's primary purpose is to indicate a consistent quantity of seeds to be distributed whenever an accession is requested. For example, assume that the curator has decided that a typical request for a certain accession will be sent 50 seeds from short-term storage. The technicians filling the request do not need to guess what quantity to supply since the inventory record will reflect the distribution quantity previously determined by the inventory maintenance policy. (This distribution quantity can however be overridden in several ways, which will be explained below.)

When creating a new inventory record, you are required to select an existing Inventory Maintenance Policy. This acts as a template – it fills in some fields during the creation of the new inventory record. However, you can edit this data in the inventory record later.


Note that if an inventory maintenance policy ever changes, these changes will not impact existing inventory records that were created using the policy. However, the revised policy will impact new inventory records created later.

Policy naming conventions

When creating inventory maintenance policies, your genebank should develop a naming convention that is consistent. By using a systematic naming convention, you can easily use these policies to filter out inventory items that were created using them.

Inventory maintenance policies can be named just about anything, but it is well worth setting up a convention that makes it easy to recognize the policy by its name. For example, in one of the genebank's sites (site "Lima"), all of the policies begin with a "lima-" prefix and then include the crop for which the policy was designed, such as "lima-potato", "lima-ulluco" or "lima-mashua".

If all of the sites in the genebank agree to a naming convention similar to this, then a policy can easily be identified with a particular site.

Registering a policy

The New inventory maintenance policy form has many fields with corresponding descriptions.


The fields in bold below will transfer to new inventory records when these are created using the policy:

  • Maintenance name
  • Management type
  • Form type
  • Quantity on hand unit
  • Web availability note
  • Is auto deducted
  • Distribution default form
  • Distribution default quantity
  • Distribution unit
  • Distribution critical quantity
  • Regeneration critical quantity
  • Regeneration method
  • Curator
  • Note

It is important that curators and genebank staff communicate with your GGCE administrator to maintain the desired policies and keep them up to date.

Management type