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Compare sites

The Compare sites feature helps you find out how many inventories of the same accession are stored at different sites. This is often used when looking for accessions that have been put in long-term storage but not yet duplicated at another site.

Compare sites lets you pick two or more sites and filter by the number of inventories at each location. You can also apply standard accession filters to limit your search.


Find the accessions that have is at least one inventory at Workshop GOAL-DM site (from value is greater or equal to 1), and no inventories at Svalbard Global Seed Vault (to value is less or equal to 0):

Find the status of accession at different sites

Accessions with one or more inventories at the first site and no inventories in Svalbard are displayed:

Result of comparing inventories at different sites

To further narrow down the list to only fully curated Hordeum accessions, you can use the search function.