GGCE 2024.5
adds collecting missions and a map of collecting sites to the system, along with improvements to workflows: steps can now be configured to start with a delay and triggered conditionally.
adds collecting missions and a map of collecting sites to the system, along with improvements to workflows: steps can now be configured to start with a delay and triggered conditionally.
introduces support for customizable workflows, email alerts, canceling actions and editing trait data. We also added the calculation of tolerance in viability testing.
The new Trait data section explains how to define trait descriptors, register trials and experiments, record trait observations and how to search it.
GGCE provided support for generating PDF documents from your data since its early days. The new Generating documents explains the mechanics and includes a practical guide how to adapt an example template MTA to your needs.
GGCE 2024.3
introduces new tools! Now, you can browse and search trait data in wide format, with traits organized into columns. Additionally, Email notifications are now available for actions related to Accession, Inventory, and Order Requests, as well as for the latest KPI results. These actions can be assigned to individual users or groups of users.
With this release, GGCE can generate the...
IT administrators that are comfortable with managing websites and corresponding SSL certificates with Internet Information Services (IIS) on Windows can follow a new guide to configure IIS for GGCE.
GGCE 2024.2
allows you to customize the logo bar background color and display a custom name for your GGCE, record seed moisture content, compare the number of inventories at different sites, and use the same attachment for multiple accessions and inventories. It also brings a new tool to assign storage location of inventories. SOAP endpoints for the Curator Tool are more tightly integrated with GGCE business logic.
Two major improvements are planned for 2024: better automation with customizable workflows and a new system of email notifications and alerts.
Our activities in 2023 were focused on further development, documentation, and support to genebanks in evaluation of GGCE. The goal was to bring GGCE into production use in at least two genebanks, and, in the process, design and implement new features directly applicable for use in other genebanks.
GGCE from version 2023.6
provides BrAPI 2.1 and 2.0 endpoints. BrAPI 2.1 is the latest stable release of the standard. This first implementation already allows for downloading trait descriptors to Field Book app for capturing data in the field.