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GGCE 2025.0

· 3 min read

2025.0 wraps up the development from 2024. It brings improved BrAPI 2.1 compatibility, enhanced handling of the results of the last seed viability test, integration with to validate coordinates, and segregating accessions into distinct collections. There are also many smaller improvements and bug fixes.

Validating coordinates of collecting sites

The Passport data > MCPD section has a new tool to Validate coordinates. It uses to validates coordinates against country of origin:

Validating coordinates

Genebank collections

Genebanks are commonly structured and organized by the crop or type of conservation. In Palmira they have a "Beans collection" and a "Cassava collection" and a "Forages collection", while at IITA they have "Banana collection", "Cowpea collection", etc. These different "collections" require different expertise that may or may not be crop specific. The collection does not affect the crop of the accession is not used in MCPD CROPNAME.

To facilitate the ease of access to data relevant to a specific collection, we added a new required field collectionCode to Accession. It uses a new CommunityCodeValue.ACCESSION_COLLECTION group where you can define your own groups.

Note: BrAPI defines collection as a "specific panel/collection/population this germplasm belongs to".

Grouping accessions into collections

Last viability results

GGCE stores the initialViability and its date in SeedInventoryExtra and it also maintains a link to the InventoryViability of the last test performed on the inventory. There was high demand for carrying over the results of the last test when inventory is split or withdrawn. GGCE now also maintains the result lastViabilityResult and the date lastViabilityDate of the last test in SeedInventoryExtra. The values are populated when a test is completed.

These values are applied to withdrawn and split inventories: the last known viability and the initial seed viability are copied from the source inventory. We do not make a copy of InventoryViabilty since a test was not actually conducted on those new inventories.

BrAPI 2.1

2025.0.0 comes with improved BrAPI 2.1 compatilibity for synchronizing with the FieldBook app for collecting data in the field: both download and upload of trait observations.

SMTA as PDF document

Easy-SMTA allows for specifying a URL where the recipient can find more information about the material listed in SMTA. In the example below it points to Genesys:

SMTA PDF with link to Genesys

See Easy-SMTA configuration for details.